Education remains the single best investment an individual or a community can make in its economic future.

Our Unrestricted Fund allows your donation to go where the college has the greatest need.
Your financial support is vital to continue the growth, expansion and development of Black Hawk College East Campus. Each year, the college benefits from the generosity of individuals and organizations. These donors share the desire to make a positive impact in a student’s life, the college and to the community.
The unrestricted fund is a way to ensure that Black Hawk College can take advantage of opportunities to provide students with a broader learning experience. Your gift provides the resources they need for their future.
Black Hawk College East Foundation benefits from philanthropic individuals, corporations and organizations that are the forces of change in our community and our college. Donors become a part of our extended family and serve as ambassadors for the Black Hawk College East Campus.
Annual Support
Due to a reduction in Federal and State funding, private support is vital in providing quality, affordable, convenient, higher education to students. Your annual gift allows Black Hawk College East Foundation to support a variety of special initiatives including scholarships, building projects and special programs specific to Black Hawk College East Campus.
Faculty/Staff Mini-Grants
You may designate your donation to Faculty/Staff Mini-Grants. These awards encourage faculty innovation and expand the availability of teaching aids to enhance the education of East Campus students. The East Foundation has awarded nearly $34,000 in faculty/staff mini-grants since 2010.
For Businesses, Organizations
and Corporations
The Black Hawk College East Foundation would like to work with you to serve your business needs and provide you with a well-trained workforce. The partnership continues as we work together to link you to the area that best serves your corporate philanthropic interests. Whether an in-kind gift of equipment or a financial gift that would lend your name to a program or building, we invite your partnership to ensure a viable, educated community.
Link your business name with the outstanding quality cause of education through event sponsorship. Event sponsorship links your business name with Black Hawk College and Black Hawk College East Foundation. You attach your business name and organization to ours—one of the most trusted names in the region.
Support Black Hawk College East Campus today
Donate online or contact us at 309/854-1715 or use our online contact form.