Making a Difference

The Agri-Business Club Alumni was established in 1972, with the primary intention and goal of promoting fellowship among Ag graduates. In addition, the organization focuses on providing assistance and financial support to the Ag program, recruiting students, and recognizing outstanding achievement and community efforts of our alumni. Learn more

The Outstanding Ag Alumni Award recognizes alumni who have made a significant contribution to the BHC East Campus Agriculture Program, which primarily benefits present and future students. Additionally, recipients have demonstrated positive involvement in the community, the College, the Ag Program organization and activities. They have also shown a positive influence in the Black Hawk College East Campus agriculture community.

In 2010, we initiated the Friends of the Alumni Award (shown below), recognizing individuals who have made an exceptional impact on Black Hawk College and the Agriculture Program.


Outstanding Ag Alumni Award Recipients

Chuck Anderson

Brian Arnold

Charles Ashley

Doug Baird

Aaron Callahan

Marion Calmer

Roger Carr

Dean Craine

Jeff Galle

Ken Geuns

Mark Gordon

Jeff Greaves

Grant Grebner

Marcy Heepke

Dr. Mark Hoge

Allen Hyett

James Jacobs

William Johnson

Phillip Koch

Tom Koch

Bill LeSage

Ronald Minnaert

Duane Olson

Robbi Pritchard

Andy Rash

Ryan Rieker

Paul Rogers

Dave Rylander

Sue Schafer

Philip Shane

Dave Sherrard

Jennifer Shike

Steve Spivey

Julie Voge

Jack Ward

Jodee Werkheiser


Friends of the Alumni Award Recipients

Liz Breedlove

Dave Clarke

David L. Cox

Kelly Craig

Flacco Family Farm

Deanna Hoge

Verlin & Joan Jackson Foundation

Doug Murray

Peoples Cleaners

Mark Washburn

Scott Wiesbrook