BHC—Celebrating 75 Years!

A message from Tim Wynes, J.D.
Black Hawk College President

Tim WynesSeventy-five years sounds like a long time. But, ask someone who has lived that long and they will tell you it passes in the blink of an eye. It’s true as well for an institution that is one of the foundations of the region—Black Hawk College. Learn more about our history

Some institutions brag about the number of potential students they exclude from their ranks. That’s not us. We judge our success by the students who persist, achieve their goals, complete their education, and find their career.

Our students come from all backgrounds and every walk of life. As an open access college, a college of the community we serve, we welcome everyone who desires to better themselves and the world around them.

For three quarters of a century, we have invited the recent high school graduate, the veteran, the immigrant learning English with a desire to attend a university, and the adult with a job and a family who can see a path to a better life through higher education to come to Black Hawk College and achieve their dreams.

These are not easy paths—nothing worthwhile ever is. But in 2021, with the support of generous donors and dedicated employees, we stand ready to serve our community now and for the next 75 years.


Yours in service,
Tim Wynes
Tim Wynes
Black Hawk College President



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